Friday, February 12, 2010

How Long Corn Snake Without Food How Long Can My Baby Corn Snake Go Without Food? And Is It Normal For Him To Be Hiding/sleeping Like 24/7?

How long can my baby corn snake go without food? And is it normal for him to be hiding/sleeping like 24/7? - how long corn snake without food

I live in New York


Jenn said...

The snake is likely to go without food until spring ... perfectly normal ... , start him or her around again in April ...

galliano... said...

Is likely that your child is willing to pay. They tend to hide and not move much during this period, which may take a few weeks. Even small babies can go a month without food, so do not worry. Make sure you drink plenty of water and try to feed on a weekly basis. Once paid, chances are eating. Some eat, while the blue or not.

BJ K said...

Get one of those red lights and heat at the traffic lights turn left and may develop when the light went off in my house all my snakes are very active.Corns are nocturnal.

Kenny said...

ABIT normal babies are shy. This release more and more after a few days. It also comes with a glass of water. Another reason could be that the field is great, Baby Corn Snakes (or most snakes milk) in large rooms without fear. The correct size should be 10 gallons (For baby corns), up more than 20 gallons or more. Also check your heatmat and make sure no hot or cold. He might be willing to pay more and they do not hide anything to eat for a while. Check if your eyes are blue and gray-ish sheding. And it can be very long without eating, which should be fed frozen mice Pinky (and thawed) 5 to 7 days. The longer they must wait, is 9 days to feed the corn snake. If he does not / they eat for a week, put a toothpick Though finger to get the smell of the skull and, if they continue to eat take'em Reptile vet.

Geo_855 said...

Snakes can go for weeks without food, is not very active, with the exception of Hungary Normally, it is possible to keep that

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